Suite.js Example: NetSuite Automated Inventory Spreadsheet Generator

In this Suite.js example, the app makes calls to the NetSuite SuiteTalk REST API's "query" service. It sends a SuiteQL query that returns current inventory levels, by location, for all active inventory items. API calls are made until all of the data has been received.

When all of the data has been retceived, it is used to generate an Excel spreadsheet. The app uses the popular Sheet.js JavaScript library to create the spreadsheet.

The app also uses the Moment.js JavaScript library to help create the name of the Excel file that is saved to disk when the process completes.

var appStartTime =;

writeln( "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
writeln( "NetSuite Inventory to Excel via SuiteTalk" );
writeln( "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");

// Require SheetJS ( )
require( "shim.min.js" );
var XLSX = require( "xlsx.full.min.js" );

// Require Moment ( )
var moment = require( 'moment.min.js' );

// Load NetSuite Suitetalk credentials.
var ns = require( "netsuite-creds-ironforge-suitetalk.js" );

// SuiteQL query to retrieve current inventory levels for all active inventory items, by location,
// including item information, base and online prices.
var query = <<<EOQ
		BUILTIN.DF( AggregateItemLocation.Location ) AS Location,
		BasePrice.Price AS BasePrice,
		OnlinePrice.Price AS OnlinePrice,
		INNER JOIN AggregateItemLocation ON
			( AggregateItemLocation.Item = Item.ID )
		INNER JOIN ItemPrice AS BasePrice ON
			( BasePrice.Item = Item.ID ) 
			AND ( BasePrice.PriceLevelName = 'Base Price' )
		INNER JOIN ItemPrice AS OnlinePrice ON
			( OnlinePrice.Item = Item.ID ) 
			AND ( OnlinePrice.PriceLevelName = 'Online Price' )
		( Item.ItemType = 'InvtPart' )
		AND ( Item.IsInactive = 'F' )
		BUILTIN.DF( AggregateItemLocation.Location )

// Define the request payload.
var payload = {
  q: query

// Initialize the array of Excel rows.
var rows = new Array();

// Add header rows to the array.
rows.push( [ "Stormwind Logistics Corp." ] );
rows.push( [ "Inventory as of " + moment().format( "MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm a" ) ] );
rows.push( [] );
rows.push( [ "ID", "Location", "Item", "Base Price", "Online Price", "Qty Available" ] );

// Initialize the offset to use when sending the first request to SuiteTalk.
var offset = 0;

// Repeat until no additional records are available...
do {

	// Set the URL to use when sending the request.
	var URL = ns.suiteTalkURL + "/services/rest/query/v1/suiteql?limit=1000&offset=" + ( offset );
	writeln( "Retrieving data..." );	
	writeln( "• URL: " + URL );
	var requestStartTime =;

	// Specify the settings to use when sending the request.
	var nsConnectRequest = {
		accountNumber: ns.accountNumber,
		consumerKey: ns.consumerKey,
		consumerSecret: ns.consumerSecret,
		tokenID: ns.tokenID,	
		tokenSecret: ns.tokenSecret,
		method: "POST",
		url: URL,
		connectionTimeout: 10,
		timeout: 10,
		payload: JSON.stringify( payload )

	// Send the request, and get the response.
	var nsConnectResponse = nsConnect( JSON.stringify( nsConnectRequest, null, 5 ) );

	var requestElapsedTime = ( - requestStartTime ) / 1000;
	writeln( "• Retrieved " + nsConnectResponse.count + " records in " + requestElapsedTime.toFixed(2) + " seconds." );

	// Parse the JSON-encoded response.
	nsConnectResponse = JSON.parse( nsConnectResponse );

	// For each record returned...
	for (var i = 0; i < nsConnectResponse.items.length; i++) {

		// Get the next item.
		var item = nsConnectResponse.items[i];
		// Add a row for the item.
		rows.push( [, item.location, item.itemid, item.baseprice, item.onlineprice, item.quantityavailable ] );
	// Set the offset to use for the next request.
	offset += 1000;

} while ( nsConnectResponse.hasMore == true );

// Create a workbook.
var workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new();

// Add a sheet to the workbook.

// Create a worksheet, and add the rows.
var worksheet = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(rows);

// Assign the worksheet.
workbook.Sheets["Inventory"] = worksheet;	

// Generate a Base64-encoded Excel file, and get its contents.
var fileContent = XLSX.write( workbook, { bookType: "xlsx", type: "base64" } );

// Generate the file name.
var fileName = "./inventory-" + moment().format( "YYYYMMDD-HHmm" ) + ".xlsx"

// Save the file.
// The "true" parameter indicates that the content is Base64-encoded,
// and should be decoded by the function prior to writing it.	
var writeStatus = writeFile( fileName, fileContent, true);

// Done!
var appElapsedTime = ( - appStartTime ) / 1000;
writeln( "Process completed in " + appElapsedTime.toFixed(2) + " seconds." );

© 2024 Tim Dietrich.